Fun Lesson Love to Laugh poziom B1-C1

I simply love to laugh! Nie, żebym była jakąś oderwaną od rzeczywistości śmieszką, ale.. uważam, że laughing makes sense and it helps a lot 🙂 a kto mnie zna z Instagrama @pani.english ten wie, że uwielbiam żarty 😀

Zapraszam Cię zatem na lekcję ze śmiechem w tle 😉 (literally)
Przed przystąpieniem do lekcji odsyłam Cię do Fun lesson – jak to robić? po instrukcję obsługi 😀

Ex. 1

Do the quiz 🙂


average – średni, przeciętny

adult – osoba dorosła

hearty laugh – szczery śmiech

miser – skąpiec

chuckle – chichot, stłumiony śmiech

guffaw – głośny śmiech

contagious – zaraźliwy

Ex. 2

Probably you know what prank is but if you don’t, here’s the explanation from Wikipedia:

A practical joke (or a prank) is a mischievous trick played on someone, generally causing the victim to experience embarrassment,  perplexity, confusion or discomfort.

Do the wordsearch and check the meaning of the words in bold.

Ex. 3

I’ve found the best Prankster Grandma ever 😉

Before watching answer the questions (out loud):

1. What is she going to do?

2. What will her husband do afterwards?

After watching do the matching task (there are 3 extra words):


prank – psikus

mischievous – złośliwy

victim – ofiara (np. napadu)

confusion – zmieszanie

perplexity – zmieszanie, konsternacja

Ex. 4

Buddha said: When you smile to the world, the world smiles back 🙂

Watch this short video.

Now read (these real) comments to the video and reply to them (write in your notebook or say it out loud).
1. Grześki: „I literally cried not only from laughter but because it was so beautiful?”
2. محمد جمال: „That’s why aliens don’t visit Earth :D”
3. Sabrina: „This guy’s laugh was amazing, I loved it”

Ex. 5

Answer these qestions (try to use new vocabulary):

Do it out loud!

1. What do you like about laughing?

2. Why do you usually laugh?

3. Is laughter ever wrong? When is laughter inappropriate?

4. Have you ever been a prankster’s victim? What prank was it?

5. What is the point of laughter? 

6. Is laughter always ‘the best medicine’?

7. Do animals laugh? Do animals find things funny? Why, why not?

8. How would you feel if you couldn’t stop laughing and laughed all the time? What would life be like? Is it possible to die laughing?

9. Why do people sometimes laugh in serious situations?

10. Do you like making other people laugh? How do you do it?


laughter – śmiech

wrong – niewłaściwy

inappropriate – niestosowny

find sth funny – uważać coś za śmieszne

make somebody laugh – rozśmieszać kogoś

A na sam koniec mam dla Was Quizleta z dzisiejszej lekcji 😀

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